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e-Forms System Configuration

The configuration of the e-Forms System constitutes of configuring parameters for the FormsHub and FormServer IIS applications. The configuration is stored in the GGConfig database in the Neurodot.Forms zone and can be modified via the "Microsoft CGG Configuration Tool" desktop application.


Parameters in the Neurodot.Forms zone

Here is a list of all parameters in the Neurodot.Forms configuration zone used by FormsHub and/or FormsServer.

Parameter name Parameter Description Is Required Default Value

The connection string to Azure cloud storage.

Only if the e-Forms system is hosted in Azure.  

The list of e-Forms serialization formats to be disabled (separated by semicolons). Possible formats are: HTML5, HTML5v2, XAML.

Warning: Please do not change directly, edit via dialog in the Configuration Tool app (menu FormServer -> Secure RuntimeService methods).


The list of methods of the FormServer's RuntimeService methods to be disabled (separated by semicolons). List of possible values can be found in the Confoguration Tool app.

Warning: Please do not change directly, edit via dialog in the Configuration Tool app (menu FormServer -> Secure RuntimeService methods).


The base URL of the FormStorage. It is used for printing (downloading) generated PDF file. The FormStorage resides under IIS (when it is not hosted in Azure) and must be accessible by form users from the internet for them to be able to download PDF forms.

Value example:


Identifies the storage type of FormStorage, i.e. the place where custom assemblies and generated PDF files are stored. It can be either file system of the hosting Windows server or Azure cloud storage.

Allowed values:

  • AzureBlob
  • FileSystem
No FileSystem
FileSystemStorageFolder File system based e-Forms system needs this parameter to store local files (for instance so the end users could download them etc.). It's a path to an folder under IIS, e.g.: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\FormStorage\. Only if the e-Forms system runs on local filesystem.  


Determines the protocol FormsHub uses to connect to FormServer's Compiler service.

Allowed values:

  • NetNamedPipeBinding_Compiler (for net.pipe protocol)
  • BasicHttpBinding_Compiler (for http protocol)
  • BasicHttpsBinding_Compiler (for https protocol)


Determines the protocol FormsHub uses to connect to FormServer's RuntimeService service.

Allowed values:

  • NetNamedPipeBinding_IRuntimeService (for net.pipe protocol)
  • BasicHttpBinding_IRuntimeService (for http protocol)
  • BasicHttpsBinding_IRuntimeService (for https protocol)


The part of the URL used to connect to FormServer's Compiler service . It depends on the type of the endpoint (protocol) it used (see parameter FormServerBindingICompiler). Yes

for net.pipe protocol.


The part of the URL used to connect to FormServer's RuntimeService service. It depends on the type of the endpoint (protocol) it used (see parameter FormServerBindingIFormService). Yes

for net.pipe protocol.


The base URL of the FormServer. It is used by FormsHub to connect to FormServer to download form templates, compile code-behind etc.

Value examples: or


FormsHubMaxUIThreads *

This parameter determines how many threads the FormsHub can run in-memory form instances on...

No 16


This is a code used by FormServer when it restarts FormsHub thru Recycle.aspx. This happens when an custom assembly is uploaded from e-Forms Designer. This code protects from outside attacks. Yes  

FormStateCacheExpiration *

When parameter FormStateStorageType has value Memory; sets the expiration (in milisiconds) for the memory cache in which FormServer stores form states until a HTML5 client requests it. If client fails to do so in time the data are evicted from cache and storedin SQL database. No 60000

FormStateStorageType *

This parameter governs the way the FormServer stores interim states of form instances (i.e. generated JavaScript for the HTML5 clients).

Allowed values:

  • Memory (stores form states in memory, unless a client doesn't request the state in time (see parameter FormStateCacheExpiration); then the State is stored in SQL database. This is the fastest option but may be taxing the RAM needed by the server).
  • SQL (stores form states in NeuroForms database, this is the legacy option used by FormsServer before version
  • FileSystem (stores the states in files in file system of the server. This is an experimental, untested, option; use only at your own risk!).
No Memory


The NeuroForms database connection string used by FormServer and FormsManager. Yes  


DPI resolution of generated PDF files. No 150


Certificate to validate Session API request. Can be imported from the Configuration Tool. (Implemented in version of FormsHub). Yes  


The expiration time (in minutes) for JWT tokens used in Session API requests. (Implemented in version of FormsHub). No 5

* - parameter is new since FormsHub version and/or FormsServer version