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Control Events in HTML5 Renderer

This article contains the list of all user controls' events in the e-Forms system supported by the HTML5 renderer.


eForm [This form] instance

The eForm object represents the form instance that fires events when something "happens" with it.

Event Name Event Description
AfterDataReceive Fires after an eForm receives and processes external data (i.e. sets values of form’s controls) giving the code-behind a chance to process resulting XML data.
AfterValidate Fired after an internal validation of the form occurred giving the code the chance to change the result or otherwise react.
BeforeDataReceive This event occurs when an eForm receives external data but before the received data are reverse transformed into the form's controls according its XML schema (if the form has one) giving the code the chance to edit the receiving XML data.
BeforeDataSend Occurs before the resulting XML data are submitted from the form (the data are already transformed via the form's schema).
BeforeValidate This event occurs just before overall validation of the form, allowing the code-behind to execute some custom validation.
CultureChanged This event occurs immediately after the form changes localization.
Loaded This event occurs immediately after an eForm is fully loaded, i.e. all controls are loaded and ready and all code-behind in code blocks is compiled.
PageChanged This one fires after a page index is changed and fully prepared.
PageChanging An event fired before a page is changed, allowing the code-behind to react and even cancel the page change.
 - unsupported -


Button control

Event Name Event Description
Click The event occurs when the button is clicked.
MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse cursor enters the button area.
MouseLeave Occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the button area.


Check Box control

Event Name Event Description
Checked Fires when the checkbox is checked (either when clicked or when the property IsChecked is set to true).
Click Is fired when the checkbox is clicked.
Unchecked Occurs when the checkbox is unchecked (either by clicking or when the property IsChecked is set to false).
Indeterminate Occurs when the checkbox is set to indeterminate state (by clicking or when the property IsChecked is set to null).


Combo Box control

Event Name Event Description
SelectionChanged The event occurs when an item from the list is selected.


Data Grid control

Event Name Event Description
AddingNewItem Event occurs during adding of a new row.
CellEditEnding Fires when an cell in the a DataGrid is edited, either from client or programmatically (allows the code-behind to cancel the edit).
DeletingItem Is fired when a row in the grid is being deleted (allowing to cancel).
MouseDoubleClick Occurs when a row in the grid is double clicked.


Date Picker control

Event Name Event Description
GotFocus This event occurs when the text part of the DatePicker gets focus.
LostFocus This event is fired when the text part of the DatePicker loses focus.
SelectedDateChanged Occurs when the date is changed (either by selecting it from calendar or by typing it).


File Attachments control

Event Name Event Description
Added Fired when an attachment file is added (in multi line mode) or selected (in single line mode).
Removed Fired when an attachment file is removed (in multi and single line mode).


Image control

Event Name Event Description
MouseEnter Occurs when the mouse cursor enters the image area.
MouseLeftButtonDown Fires when the users clicks on the image with left mouse button.
Occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the image area.


List Box control

Event Name Event Description
SelectionChanged Occurs when a selection in the ListBox changes.


Masked Text Box control

Event Name Event Description
GotFocus This event occurs when the textbox gets input focus.
LostFocus This event occurs when the textbox looses input focus.
TextChanged Fires when the text of the textbox changes.


Radio Button control

Event Name Event Description
Checked Fired when the RadioButton is checked (either when clicked or when property IsChecked is set to true).
Unchecked Fired when the RadioButton is unchecked (either when other radio in the same group is clicked or when property IsChecked is set to false).


Radio Button Group control

Event Name Event Description
SelectedIndexChanged Occurs when any radio in the group is checked (i.e. value of the SelectedIndex property changes).
SelectedValueChanged Occurs when any radio in the group is checked (i.e. value of the SelectedValue property changes).


Text Box control

Event Name Event Description
GotFocus This event occurs when the textbox gets input focus.
LostFocus This event occurs when the textbox looses input focus.
TextChanged Fires when the text of the textbox changes.